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Meet the Board!


Founder, Executive Director


Co-Vice President, Internal Chair

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Co-Vice President, External Chair

Our executives:

Internal Executives 

Education Director: Sunny Li 
Graphics Director: Amelia Wibisono
Graphics Manager: Pajjayata Wongwech, Grace Luan, Antara Gangwal 
External Executives

Partnerships & Business Director: Rachel Ahn
Legal Policy & Research Director: Sanika Saraf 

Founding story

The Mini Moon Project was first founded by the executive director Grace Kim in 2019 when she noticed her close friend hastening to take menstrual pads provided in the church bathroom.

"I asked her why she was taking such large quantities of menstrual pads, and her response shocked me. My friend was left at the orphanage when she was three years old, and although the orphanage receives government provision in hygiene resources, there  were not enough to be shared." 

Hearing how these girls consider sanitary pads - something that Grace had taken for granted - as a source of financial difficulty,  left a burden on her heart.

Eager to help, she put her thoughts into action by creating menstrual kits to be distributed to areas in need. 
Check out our newly published 2023 Impact Report!

Core values

The core values of the Mini Moon Project are the following:

1. SUstainability

Ensuring long-lasting help and impact to the girls

Rather than donating disposable pads or tampons, we provide reusable menstrual cups, which can be used for up to 12 hours a day, lasting for approximately 10 years. This approach significantly reduces waste, as an estimated 200,000 metric tonnes of single-use menstrual products end up in landfills each year. Our menstrual kits are designed with eco-friendliness in mind, incorporating biodegradable packaging to further minimize our environmental footprint.

2. safety

Establishing a correct understanding of one's body to protect both psychological and physical health 

During our local outreaches, we offer at least two hours of sexual education classes conducted by medical professionals. For international support, we include a small comic book that provides detailed instructions on safely inserting and removing the menstrual cup, along with information about women’s bodies, all developed in collaboration with OB-GYN doctors.

3. self confidence

Eliminating all forms of menstrual taboos to empower girls

Through educational classes and workshops, we aim to foster self-confidence and promote positive body image. We leverage social media platforms to debunk menstrual myths and address misunderstandings about women’s bodies, creating a supportive space where menstruators can share their experiences and find encouragement. We occasionally invite prominent activists and guest speakers to join our roundtable series. In these sessions, they discuss global issues related to women’s health and rights, offering insights, sharing experiences, and providing messages of empowerment.
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